Category: The Build

  • How to Insulate a Van

    How to Insulate a Van

    I tried two ways at the same time. I don’t think I insulated my van build properly, but it is very insulated. How to Insulate So there’s a couple ways you could do this I opted for the pink insulation and spray foam combo. I sprayed the entire van with insulation and assumed it would… Read more

  • Van Cooking Plan

    Van Cooking Plan

    Okay so I have like no kitchen in this thing. My kitchen consists of a one burner butane stove, a 5 liter tub of water, a small table, and a bucket of pantry items. I have no fridge or oven so let me tell you my plan. Cooking on the Stove So I love warm… Read more

  • Van Build in a Week

    Van Build in a Week

    Okay so this is just a quick overview of what needs to be done to get on the road fast. I am be no means an expert, except I do sometimes think I know everything. Anyways, I could not find a guide to building a van so here is what I learned. I wanted to… Read more